Caribou Developers Meeting

Younes Otarid (CERN)
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Caribou Meeting Room
Younes Otarid
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    • 16:00 16:10
      General News 10m
      Speaker: Younes Otarid (CERN)

      PIXEL conference


      Caribou Users Meeting

      • Soon a call for Users meeting will be sent
      • Objectives:
        • 1 meeting / month
          • Maybe to frequent. Either specific calls or reserved slot with 2-days prior decision
        • Latest updates/releases in hardware, firmware and software
        • Feedback from users
        • From time to time, invitation directed to users to present their latest developments/results using Caribou
    • 16:10 16:35
      Hardware 25m
      Speakers: Eric Buschmann (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Shaochun Tang (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Tomas Vanat (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Younes Otarid (CERN)

      CaR board v2.0

      • Still working on the test-board
      • Mostly finihsed with the schematics
      • No estimate for the layout


      Follow-up on Carboard v1.4 from DESY with broken connector repaired at CERN (Tomas, Eric)

      • Connector repair was successful, but board had issue with powering afterwards
      • Found a broken line under an AND gate on the board. Fixed by placing additional wire. 
      • Damage to line could have happened during repair (heating up of the PCB), but difficult to be sure about it
      • Similar issue was once seen on a Carboard in the testbeam at CERN, which suddenly failed. Should try to find it back and see if it has the same cause.




    • 16:35 17:00
      Firmware 25m
      Speakers: Eric Buschmann (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Tomas Vanat (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Younes Otarid (CERN)

      Boreal firmware:

      • New Boreal architecture finalized
        • Improved versatility using modular architecture relying on Vivado Block Designs (BD), chained AXI interconnects, and packaged IPs
      • New architecture tested with LED blinking firmware and Peary control:
        • Succesfull on both ZC706 and ZCU102
      • Currently working on porting H2M design as pilot project for the new architecture
        • Targetting a test-beam at the end of September to test it
      • A detailed presentation describing the new architecture and workflow will come very soon
    • 17:00 17:25
      Software - OS 25m
      Speakers: Eric Buschmann (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Mathieu Benoit (Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)), Simon Spannagel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Younes Otarid (CERN)


      • Improved image building workflow now covers all needs for the standard Caribou system use.
        • Create, configure and build petalinux image
        • Update, build and deploy recipes (ie: EUDAQ, Peary)
        • Package and load image onto SD card, including bitfile
        • Dynamic bitfile modification now possible and uses uEnv.txt file as was done in the meta-caribou workflo
      • All the workflow is easily managed by the Peta-Manager tool
      • Successfull build of images for ZC706 and ZCU102
        • Remaining issue: ZCU102 MAC address seems to be overwritten during u-Boot. Currently investigating the reason. 
      • Prospects:
        • Support of Mercury+ ST1 board and XU1 SoM. 
        • BSP file provided by Enclustra is only compatible with Petalinux 2022.1. Investigating how to make/get a BSP compatible with Petalinux 2023.2



      • Clean up to prepare porting to 64bit systems
      • Implementing multi-device support
    • 17:25 17:30
      AOB 5m